Wedding & Civil Partnership Ceremonies
Did you know that your Wedding Ceremony or Renewal of Vows can be wherever you want it to be, and created by you with the help of a Wedding Celebrant?
You may wish to have your wedding ceremony….at home…. in a Marquee, an evening sunset reception / ceremony on the beach, in your local pub, hotel or restaurant.

Wedding / Civil
You will need to have a short legal ceremony first at your Local Registry Office.
This legal part can be done early the same day, or even a day previous with just the two of you and two witnesses in informal dress if you want!
The rest of the service can continue at the venue of your choice where you will say the vows you have chosen to say to each other. You can include or exclude anything you want including religious pieces, verses or poems and singing by family members or friends.
Rings can be exchanged and so on. These are all purely ceremonial and can therefore be performed at any location. This is where Lynda as a celebrant becomes involved.
About Lynda Williams
Lynda is a certified Celebrant and trained in Marriage & Family Celebrancy with The Fellowship of Professional Celebrants.
Your Wedding Day is a day to be remembered and Lynda will ensure that your ceremony will be created with a personal and professional service.

Contact Information
Any questions you may have Lynda would be delighted to answer. Contact her to arrange an appointment to discuss your requirements on any of the contact details below.
Tel: 01686 430758
Mobile: 07980 185946