Range of Marquee Lighting Options

Fairy lighting can be used simply with some warm white up lighters or used to create a stunning effect alongside colour wash lighting. Chandeliers can be added for extra light during meal and then dimmed afterwards.
Fairy light curtains can also be supplied to hang over lining walls for a backdrop to top table or also a good back drop for stage area.

Festoon Lighting available with warm white golf ball lamps. These give more light than the fairy lighting and are a great alternative to the traditional chandelier lighting.
Exterior festoon lighting is also great for walkways to the marquee.

Paper Globe lanterns can be used just for decoration, individually clipped to marquee linings; or attached to the festoon lighting directly or via pendants to illuminate all or some of the paper lanterns. Paper lanterns can be supplied in a wide range of colours and/or white and ivory. A range of sizes also available.
Outdoor weatherproof lanterns are also available. These can either be attached to the exterior festoon lighting or can be hung individually from trees, etc. using battery powered pin lights for illumination.

Traditional Chandelier lighting is the perfect choice. Can be used with dimmer after meal for a more ambient effect

Crystal Chandeliers available to use with colour wash, these can also be set to warm white

Colour Wash Lighting is extremely popular. This can be easily controlled using a simple IR remote control unit. Choose colour, brightness, or even set it to sound activated for later in the evening to change colour in time to music