Carpet Colour Chart & Recycling Information
New carpet is used for weddings and formal events, unless used carpet is specifically requested. A wide range of colours can be supplied (subject to availability) including the following:



Mix Brown

Dark Brown


Dark Red

Light Green

Dark Green

Light Blue


Dark Blue


If you require a colour other than those listed above then please feel free to ask as we can usually source others at a small extra cost. If no carpet colour is selected then we will automatically select a neutral colour such as Beige or Lever.
Please note that colour swatches may vary from actual colours depending upon your screen resolution. We are happy to leave you a sample booklet during our site visit so you can make an informed choice of your carpet colour.
Garden Mulching Using Carpet
After your event the used carpet will be re-used or recycled where-ever possible. In the past we have donated to gardening projects for landscape mulching, and a horse sanctuary, where carpet was used to line the stables of nervous rescue horses.
If you think you have a use for it yourself then please feel free to ask as we can supply it for free on the condition it is re-used in some way.
“Mulches of nylon carpet or heavy duty commercial woven ground covers are very useful as permanent or temporary pathways and for nursery areas where large numbers of plants in pots are being grown on. They are also handy used temporarily for keeping certain crops, particularly celery, lettuce, courgettes and strawberries clean. It is certainly pleasanter work kneeling and harvesting these from a woven mulch than from bare soil.” – Bob Flowerdew on the topic of Mulching
More details can be found on carpet mulching here: four-ways-to-carpet-your-garden